Adrian Beney (Grafton 80)

Adrian writes, “In 2015, I was given the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s Distinguished Service Award for service to their members in Europe. CASE is the professional association for fundraisers and those who work in supporter relations and marketing in Higher and Secondary Education. I’ve been involved with professional and policy development in this area for more than 30 years now. Currently, amongst other things, I’m helping charities, schools and universities navigate their way through the implementation of the new European regulation on data protection, GDPR. In February 2016, my wife and I were made Canons of Bishop Aglionby Memorial Cathedral in the Anglican diocese of Tamale in northern Ghana. We have continued to develop a link established by my late mother with the Bishop of Tamale and his wife who are tireless workers for the betterment of the lives of all in northern Ghana, one of the poorest regions of the Anglican communion. On the whole I am not exercising my right to call myself Canon Beney!”